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Faith | The energy that drives our journey

“Whenever anyone with faith visualizes me, I am there.” Buddha

Faith, ‘placing your heart upon a way’, is a beneficial mental factor cited by the Buddha.

This is no blind faith, it is one that derives from experience and understanding, true insight.

Why is it important? Because deep belief brings about true conviction, that’s crucial when we endeavor transformation.  

Regardless of the way we opt to take, first we must make sure that it is sound, don’t follow foolishly.

Faith blog

Pick Carefully

Working towards individual change is a ‘Big Task’, better to have a guide, a technique we can rely on.

This is not a trivial choice, we’re dealing with our most treasured belonging, our wellbeing.  

Before we adopt such or such method, no matter the buzz around it, question, ‘Is this right for me?’

Consider the approach, can you relate with its philosophy? if we do, chances are we’ll meet less inner resistance.

Trust the way

As I have already stated, if one believes in the Way, such a Way of faith is the root of faith. Tony Page, Kosho Yamamoto

Once we’ve made up our mind as to how we’re going to go about it, we’re set to take our first steps.

However, one thing should be clear, faith does nothing alone, our active cooperation is needed.

Our routine is bound to know ups and downs, if we’re not persuaded it’s worthwhile, we’ll drop out.

Be mindful, lasting change takes time and lots of practice, our task is to keep the right state of mind.

Cast doubt out

Even the slightest shift in mindset is worth noting, our efforts will pay off bit by bit, pay attention.

On those days where adverse conditions come to test our progress, faith helps us remember there’s a way out.

Surely everybody knows moments of disbelief, where one questions if it is the right path or whether it’s achievable, it’s ok.

This is not bad, it only invites seasonal introspection, a way to reassert our will power and conviction.

Believe in your own strengths

“Faith is like a fertile field: any instruction planted will grow. Padmasambhava

You may trust with all your heart that the program you’ve adhered to is “full proof” and yet nothing…

Instead of allowing skepticism to creep in ask yourself whether or not you’ve set the bar too high?

If we got the wrong idea from the beginning, we may be aiming at unrealistic expectations, reassess.

Equally, we may have misconstrued the efforts and time it takes to see lasting results, this isn’t exact science. 

Erroneous notions mislead us into doubting our own capacity for change, watch your attitude, be patient.

Faith | Closer than ever

One of the greatest challenges we have to face is our lack of confidence, our impatience, and laziness.

Worse is the self-contempt that shadows our falling back on bad habits, drop it the moment you catch it.

Believe you’ve got what it needs, your constant efforts will show, don’t let your misgivings set you back.

Hold in mind the old saying “when there is will there is way”, keep at it until it sticks, you can do it.

Have faith in the good

“We have faith that basic goodness is within us.” Pema Chodron

Staying committed to the goal we have fixed requires that we faithfully observe the technique, still…

That’s all good and well when we’re at the top of our game, and we feel confident about our progress.

But it’s not always the case, in times of struggles and uncertainties our worst critic is often ourselves.

There’s no one better to put us down, regardless of our qualities, we’re fast at pointing out our faults.

Make the right choice

In those moments of self-denigration, when cynicism wears the mask of contempt, stop, take note.

The inner judge can be harsh or gentle, governed by the upbringing and the events that shaped it.

Don’t let its voice convince you, honestly acknowledge the parts that need work, resolve to do better.

It’s not all bad, turn your attention to what is good in you, your qualities and strengths, rely on that.  

Faith | Relinquish control

“Have faith in the way things are.” TAO TE CHING

Treading the journey toward transformation is not without obstacles, and they come from all sides.

One the one end, the world outside can be unpleasant, violent and unforgiving sometimes, we can’t avoid it.

On the other end, mental habits set the tone, activate our nervous system, self-preservation rules.

Even minimal threats can trigger us, call for action, take control, change the situation, forget the rest.

Welcome it all

Fighting with life is a bad idea, it comes counter our objectives, because it sets off our most primitive reactions.

This is not what we want, why? For one it reinforces aggression in us, a trigger-happy mind is never happy.

Besides, living in a perpetual state of alert is bad for us, that’s good enough reason to get back on track.

Again, life situations will come and go, good or bad, we can make use of them to surpass ourselves.

No more indolence

If you do not have faith, if you do not believe in anything, you are without energy. Thich Nhat Hanh, Arnold Kotler, Mayumi Oda

Hurdles will come up, still, outside conditions can’t compare with our own inner barriers.

Motivation and diligence in any project feeds on inspiration, the thing is enthusiasm tends to wear-off.

Our best resolutions are repeatedly met with roadblocks that appear in the form of unwillingness and complacency.  

Beware, if you have been dragging your feet, it’s a sign you’ve given-in to the lazy mind, wake up.

Don’t put things off

Laziness can either take its source in the belief that ‘I’m lazy’ and admit defeat, or, it hides fear.

Explore, are you putting things off because you think you’re lazy and can’t help it or because you’re scared?

If you believe you’re lazy, anything will be reason enough to procrastinate, true or false the label brings about the habit.

But if it is fear that is pulling you away, jog your memory, at one point you had faith, find that spark.  

Bank on your potential

“Faith in yourself is not “holding on” to yourself, but letting go.” Alan Watts

Generally, we fear because change requires that we step out of our comfort zone into the unknown.

Taking responsibility over ‘Me’ takes a mature mind and a readiness to break out of our shell.

We must be prepared to get past our past, to move towards the new and improved, and that’s scary.

In fact, our postponing tactics serve as a hint, consciously or not we’re looking for an exit strategy.

Call in the vigor of faith

Now is the time to pull yourself together, we have to be clear about our resolutions, why are we here?

Careful, notions not properly throughout turn into beliefs that get in the way of our progress.

Think in terms of cause and effect, let the stories that gave breath to your practice echo in your mind.

Be compassionate, we’re but work in progress, all we can do is try, trust, if others made it, you will too.

Faith | Stay the course

“Faith is the root of moral conduct. Like a hand, it gathers virtue.” Lama Zopa Rinpoche, Ailsa Cameron

Take charge over your life, your involvement is key, don’t be careless, otherwise you’ll stray.

There is no point in our practice if in mundane encounters, we allow our mind to call the shots.

Reverting back to our usual impulsivity and uncontrolled reactions takes seconds, all it needs is strenuous conditions.

Becoming a better person is a moment-to-moment enterprise, going about mindlessly is not an option.

No more excuses

Expect to stumble, slip-ups are bound to happen, but do not handle those ‘blunders’ as a child would.

You may be tempted to defend yourself, especially if you feel shame and guilt, but that leads nowhere.

Listen to that inner voice, although you know that you’ve done wrong, it will find a way to justify it.  

Don’t play along, it’s just an ego maneuver meant to get you off the hook, take a mature approach, own it.

One day at a time, try, try again, pat yourself on the shoulder often, rest, pick yourself up, have faith?

Faith Blog Nathalie Bizawi

Nathalie Bizawi, founder of Wisdom & Mindfulness meditation center. Senior Meditation, Mindfulness and philosophy instructor, From Wingate Academic College. M.A in Education from TAU University, Tel Aviv.


Wisdom & Mindfulness your meditation center in Tel Aviv