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Meditation practice 

Practicing meditation with a group

Our meditation practice is based on the belief that together we make stronger!

Meditation practice is a great opportunity to meet others and work together towards training our mind and better our lives.

This is not a simple task, but when we do it together, we have the power to change and improve ourselves.

It goes through changing the perspective of our relationship with the world as our own with ourselves. That’s what we call mind training.

As part of the lessons, we practice and study Mindfulness, a tool that continues to prove its effectiveness in many studies around the world.

We also study Buddhist philosophy and psychology, as well as different approaches of modern philosophy and psychology.

Through meditation practice, we come to know ourselves, and above all, we ask to learn something about the state of our consciousness.

Together we set to explore ourselves, learn from our decision-making processes, and understand what directs our life decisions.

I Think and Act…

Quality of life begins when you take command and learn to cultivate moments of peace. Together we will learn concentration and bring the mind to a quiet state.

Through meditation practice, we will try to learn and observe the laws of nature and explore in what ways these have affect our lives.

We will deepen our understanding of artful living, and will try and find healthy alternative to old habits that are not really working.

Improve our performance, make informed decisions, and learn to base our decisions making on intelligent criteria

When it comes to mind training “knowledge is power”. Supporting our practice with wisdom, we come to know the mind.

Human beings tends to act according to the direction of their thoughts.

The integration of wisdom and meditation ensures that we navigate life maturely and with understanding of reality.

Sharing is part of the practice

Meditation practice ∼ Life experiences at the center stage

Group sharing is a central part of our lesson, we ask to spread light on the frustrations that we encounter both in our practice and our daily lives.

We consider life as our laboratory, everything we face, every emotion, every thought, we use as raw material for our transformation.

We learn to take everything apart, to distance ourselves from things, and explore all sides.

Group’s discussions have two goals. The first leads us to correctly explain the emotions, and the second trains us to evaluate the situation on the spot.

We practice so that we come to bring clarity to our understanding even during “explosive” situations.

In our classes we don’t judge, we don’t compare, we just let things to surface.

We apply the tools we practice in class. Slowly, over time, they become automatic.

The more aware we are, the more things get better and we start to feel real change.

We invite you to join us on the journey

Meditation Practice ~ A journey of self-discovery right here  on the pillow

Meditation practice @Studio- feedbackWe call it “Wu Wei” (non-doing), the way of least effort.

Truly connecting with yourself and learning to experience inner peace are among the many gifts of meditation practice.

At the center we believe in flexibility, our open format was created to facilitated practice, allowing you to join when you want.

We’ve got choice, just pick the time and place.

Our meditation sessions are held in a great location@Mantra Studio a new fitness complex.

Our classes are an hour long to fit your busy schedule.  

We invite you to come and get to know us, to try out and experience.

There is no better time than now to start your meditation practice.

No experience needed! I am here to help, establish your practice and guide you when you need it.

Until you join our meditation practice, you are welcome to visit our Facebook page @Wisdommindfulness, to read more about meditation at the center.

Meditation practice @Studio8

Meditation practice is led by Natalie Bizawi, Senior mindfulness & meditation instructor, founder of the Center. A graduate of the Wingate Academic College, Meditation Instructor Certification, and an expert in Education from Tel Aviv University.

Wisdom & Mindfulness your meditation center in Tel Aviv