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Lust | Our mind with a blindfold

“Lust is a maker of measurement, hate is a maker of measurement, delusion is a maker of measurement.” Buddha

The feeling of lust is defined as an intense desire, one that often sends us seeking for sensual gratification.

What’s the problem with that? sadly, the uncontrollable urge comes at the cost of our true happiness.   

Our appetite for pleasure grows the more we indulge it, when it doesn’t know moderation, it becomes dangerous.

Why is it bad for us to let lust take the wheel? First because this driver does not think.

Lust Blog

A destructive energy

Passion is not bad in itself, but if it is left to its own device, it can lead us on the wrong path.

None of us want to make bad choices, we know better, yet it seems that we can’t help it.

Why is that? Mostly because we’re not using our mind when we’re drunk with lust, we’re flying blind.

No matter how strong the call, one should be careful not to follow yearnings like moth to a flame.

Don’t lose yourself

“When you have indulged a lust, your wing drops off; you become lame, abandoned by a fantasy”. Rumi

The thing that separates us from animals is the ability to think, to weight and consider before we act.

Unlike our fellow primates we’re conscious of the world around us, we’re aware of our experiences, feelings, thoughts and emotions.

Discernment is a luxury we forget to acknowledge, thanks to that evolutionary step, men have ethics.

Nonetheless, lust will have us throw it out the window in a jiff the minute the urge comes up, stop!

Think outcome

We are always in a state of need, even if we get a taste of contentment, we’re looking elsewhere.

Here and there appears lust, awaken by a lure, the more appealing to the senses, the easier it will draw us in.  

Deceived by objects that leave an impression on us, we’re willing to set aside our right mind, don’t!   

If satisfying our needs comes with consequences, we should resolve to put the brakes on the impulse.

Lust is reckless

“Love is not lust. The two (love and lust) are poles apart. Love liberates while lust binds.” Narayanananda Swami

We may like the excitement that comes with the arousal of lust, but it tricks us into giving in.

Exercising restraint demands a strong commitment, one that truly sees beyond selfish aims.

For our mind will be quick to come up with rationales that go for and against, it is ours to choose well.

So don’t buy into the fiction that entices you to cross the line, breathe, think in terms of all around cost.

Whatever you do, keep your thinking hat on, that is the only way to avoid hazardous slip-ups.   

Beware of the dangers

You may be tempted into brushing off the idea that your actions have limited powers, consider again.

Karma does not make exceptions, every single action we do brings about effects, some prompt others not.

Actions brought about by lust too follow the rule, there is no going around it, we make ripples as we go.

What we experience in the present is but a fraction of the after-effect, and what goes around comes around.

An inside threat

Lust weakens both body and mind. PYTHAGORAS

Taking care of work, home, ourselves and our loved ones demands loads of attention, a skill we lack.  

Unfortunately, when we’re overtaken by thoughts of lust everything else is pushed to the background, we forget what matters.

Our mind can be very loud, as soon as it has zoomed in on an object it won’t let go, pay attention.   

We can’t have our head in the clouds and our feet on the ground, remember you steer the wheel.

Watch your body

Regrettably, daydreaming about sensual pleasures has effects on our body, excitement doesn’t travel alone.

Lustful thoughts are often accompanied by anxiety and stress, the fear that you won’t get what you want creates tension.

When our urges are satisfied the body relaxes, but when they’re not it makes us nervous, our body becomes tense.

You may think, why fight it? Because acting out sensual whims has us take risks, there’s no end to their appetite.

You make waves

Attachment to our own, to friends and to sensual pleasures sweeps over us like waves and stirs us up like turbulent water. Geshe Sonam Rinchen, Ruth Sonam

The feeling of unrest that accompanies lust does not stop at causing disturbances in body and mind.

Nervousness extends outward, expressing itself in impatience and reactivity, at the expense of others.

Thus, lust can indirectly pollute the environment, affect our relationships, lead to miscommunication.

What’s worse, it can push us to betray our own values only to get what it wants, leaving chaos behind.

Lust an invitation for troubles

The greater the need, the stronger the drive to act on our fancies, the higher the pressure we experience.

Seeing the source of attraction out of reach, we may be seduced into doing things we wouldn’t dare otherwise.

In the end, we live with the decisions we make, regret is heavy to carry, forgiving ourself later takes work.

Know the signs, if it makes you spin out of control and involves losing yourself in the process, drop it!

What would Buddha say?

“From the passions arise worry, and from worry arises fear. Away with the passions, and no fear, no worry.” Gautama Buddha

While lust is commonly linked with the idea of pleasure, a human pass time, we rarely consider its dark side.

The Buddha points at lust as one of the three root cause of suffering, these breed negative feelings.

According to the Buddhist teachings they are to blame for our ignorance, pride, anger, craving and jealousy.

Given the potential, we would be smart to consider transforming the energy into something worthwhile.

Rest assured

Nothing is set in stone, even the worse of our propensities can be tamed, it is our job to train.

Our focus is to shed light, only then can we move from the field of fantasy to the realm of reality.

That’s where meditation is of great help, looking deep into the object of our lust, we find “Flesh and blood”.

Like this, even the most sensual object returns to its true form, one subject to change, aging and passing.

Lust may bring about momentary bliss but it is fast to create pain, so don’t forget to stop before you jump!

Nathalie Bizawi Lust Blog Post

Nathalie Bizawi, founder of Wisdom & Mindfulness meditation center. Senior Meditation, Mindfulness and philosophy instructor, From Wingate Academic College. M.A in Education from TAU University, Tel Aviv.


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