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Mindfulness Workshop - Workshops at the Center

Mindfulness Workshop ~ The Direct Path to the liberation of the mind

Mindfulness Workshop in the Old Buddhist Way, practice 2,500 years old meditations and bring ourselves to pay attention.

We invite you on a journey of liberation, establish mindfulness, experience reality AS IS; free of unrealistic expectations and their disappointments.

In the workshop we’ll practice the Buddha’s mindfulness path, we’ll come to know ourselves, our mind and our world of experiences.

Mindfulness is our city’s gatekeeper, the factor in charge of our state of attentiveness, it safeguards us from making mistakes.  

In each session we’ll change our vantage point, observe where things come from and where they’re going, uncover what else they’re hiding.

Through mindfulness, the direct path, we’ll seek to loosen our grip, bring an end to patterns of self-sabotage, and reach maximum clarity.

We’ll explore the perspectives that build our subjective experience, and discover how these affect perceptions and reactions in general.

We’re not here to change the nature of these experiences, we seek to achieve a certain clarity of as to, “What is ‘this’ that I’m experiencing?”

With the help of the Buddha’s practices, we’ll expose the mechanisms and filters that are projected in our worldviews.

We’ll bring awareness to the personal preferences that influence the way we opt to act, and check whether these are helpful.

Practicing Mindfulness ∼ learn to recognize mental habits

We are creatures of habit, so it’s not surprising that our mind has its own, among these to absorb, compare, interpret and respond.

It fulfills functions and tasks which we’re mostly unaware of, because processing happens in split seconds, if we’re not mindful it’s gone.

We usually ‘join-in’ mentally after our mind has put a label on the experience and the feeling ‘inscribed’ evoked certain emotions.

As we deepen our practice, we’ll come to recognize the latent mental habits that guide our thinking mind.

We’ll seek to train our mind to steer-away from potentially negative tendencies, such as judgment, criticism, and impulsiveness.

We’ll also learn to consider stress, anxiety, anger, and dissatisfaction, as by-products of an untrained mind.

We’ll train ourselves to channel negative mind states the right way, regain control of our mind so that we don’t fall into a trap.

The Mindfulness path ∼ the right way to clear experiences

[…] to be “free from desires and discontent” represents the faculty of concentration.” Analayo

So what about the workshop?
Nurturing and establishing mindfulness

Like other mindfulness workshops, we’ll learn to anchor ourselves in the present and connect to what is happening, here and now.

We’ll put to use the array of meditative tools available to us for this ongoing inquiry.

We’ll work to better identify the mechanisms at play, explore whether and where these are helpful or detrimental to us.

We’ll put our focus on identifying flawed mental habits and attempt to bring these to transformation.

This mindfulness workshop does not limit itself to exploring the mind and concentration training,

It further invites us to better know our body and our world of feelings, emotions, and thoughts.

Aided by the practice, we’ll attempt to raise the veil over illusions, see reality AS IS, and observe phenomena with careful attention.

We’ll practice the 4 foundations of mindfulness through 16 practices of the Buddha.

Supported by the practice, we’ll bring ourselves to stay comfortable through life’s ups and downs.

Together, we’ll direct our mind towards growth and bring ourselves to have genuine experiencesॐ

Workshop length: 4 sessions (8 hours).

This workshop is limited to 8 participants

Not sure this is it? visit our workshop page for more meditation workshops.

For more information, fill in the form or call today on 0506530043

We will get back to you as soon as possible.