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Sources - Wisdom & Mindfulness Center

“Reliable sources lead far, because they hold treasures of reason inside”

In mindfulness training, we emphasize the need to look into and investigate, to get out of the box where our prior knowledge is stored.

We encourage practitioners to expand horizons, to expose their mind to high quality content, to enrich their world with the wisdom of great teachers.

As in our sessions, we check for ourselves and adopt as our own, only if we are convinced that it contributes to our personal understanding and well-being.

We also recommend experimenting with meditation retreats at select centers, where practitioners deepen both practice and learning.

We see as blessing every opportunity to lead the natural curiosity of practitioners to move towards new avenues, to experience and absorb.

With each discovery we grow, in our sessions we have the privilege to practice and discover texts that are the fruit of wisdom of ancient Buddhist traditions.

Outside of practice take the time to ‘fill your mind’

Here too, streams of wisdom await, each offer its own approach and meditations, all are designed to train the mind.

We invite you to embark on a journey of self-study, to stretch the boundaries of your practice, and bring to maturity the wisdom within you.

Without a doubt you’ll find what your heart longs for, if you allow its call to lead the search.

The infinity of wisdom is available at the tip of your fingers, all that’s left is to do is to get started.

Together we will continue to cultivate peace of mindॐ

Online sources

FPMT – Foundation for the preservation of the Mahayana Tradition


BUKKYO DENDO KYOKAI – Society for the promotion of Buddhism


Dharma Friends of Israel


Buddhism in Israel


Venerable Teachers

LAMA YESHE WISDOM ARCHIVES – Lama Yeshe & Lama Zopa Rinpoche


Dongyu Gatsal Ling nunnery – Venerable Jetsunma Tenzin Palmo


Venerable Robina Courtin


Retreat & Teaching Centers

Plum Village – Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh Monastic Community


Institut Vajra Yogini


SER INTEGRAL – Portuguese Center for Mindfulness







sources - my recommendations






Meditation practice is led by Natalie Bizawi, Senior mindfulness & meditation instructor, founder of the Center. A graduate of the Wingate Academic College, Meditation Instructor Certification, and an expert in Education from Tel Aviv University.

Wisdom & Mindfulness your meditation center in Tel Aviv