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Uncertainty is everywhere you go

“We can try to control the uncontrollable by looking for security and predictability, always hoping to be comfortable and safe. But the truth is that we can never avoid uncertainty.” Pema Chodron

We all seek a sense of security, we labor to achieve that state where we can finally sit and relax.

To enjoy the fruit of our efforts we plan, we give it our best, we invest in the dream.

We spend energy working to secure that job, to buy that home, to get that ‘picture perfect life’.

At times it seems we’re on course, we’re sure we know where we’re going, then a storm hits and we’re lost.

Life is capricious as the wind

Looking at our experiences it’s easy to see that these share one thing in common, they’re unpredictable.

No matter how hard we try to secure everything in place, things ultimately shift, yet we seem to forget…

When the ground starts shaking under our feet and our plans don’t turn out our way, we panic.

Not knowing what comes next makes us uneasy, it brings about nervousness because we fear the worst.

Uncertainty is everywhere you go

Fear goes where uncertainty goes

“When mortals are alive, they worry about death. When they’re full, they worry about hunger. Theirs is the Great Uncertainty”. Bodhidharma

A situation in which something is unknown is said to be uncertain and that’s what makes life frightening.

Although we trust we see the big picture with all that it conceals, in truth we know less than we think.

Nothing is definite, what we perceive is full of gaps, what we use to guide our judgments are deductions at best.

Chances are what you imagine to be your future destination will turn to be something else entirely, you know…

Some things are arbitrary

Deep down we understand we have very little control; we can only hope to steer in the right direction.

Countless elements make an event, some we’re aware of and some not, that becomes ground for worry.

Giving in to fearful thoughts prevents us from thinking, so don’t let anxiety hijack your nervous system.

You may not be able to take in what’s beyond your immediate grasp, but you’re smart and you can adapt.

Adjusting the Sails

“All fear is illusion. Walk straight ahead no matter what.” David R. Hawkins

Keeping calm in times of uncertainty begins by shifting our mindset the moment complaining begins.

Dropping the negative inner chatter that comes up frees us from the unnecessary suffering it creates.

Thus we stop thinking we won’t be able to get what we want or that our efforts might stay unrewarded.  

Instead, we remind ourselves to let go of the outcome and put our attention on what we can do today.  

Find your bearings 

Leaving behind judgment, we can relax a bit, take stock and regain a sense of balance in the unfamiliar.

The quicker we are at noting our moods, the better we are at collecting ourselves when things go amiss.

Some journeys take more time than others so we learn to be patient even in the face of our restlessness.

When things are ambiguous and doubt starts to creep in, we remind ourselves to take one step at a time.  

Make uncertainty your friend

Uncertainty is related to distrust in yourself, feeling that you are inadequate to deal with that mysterious problem which is threatening you.” Chogyam Trungpa, Sakyong Mipham Rinpoche

Listening to the nature of our inner chatter in moments of great doubt is what meditation is about.

Inviting our grief to the meditation pillow, away from judgment, leads to insight into our belief system.

As a result, we come to understand that what makes us uneasy is the idea that we are not apt to the task.

We befriend notions of lack instead of repressing or rejecting them because this is how we practice self-compassion.

While we’re at it…

Mind training in the Buddhist tradition is about nonviolence, meaning we’d rather embrace than resist.

Therefore the way out of disbelief is to look deeply at what it contains, to sort out the true from the false.

To curb our mental agitation, we remind ourselves that uncertainty is part of the game until we get it.

We rely on the breath to calm the swirl of thoughts, we let the chit chat die off on its own; we come back.

Uncertain times imply wait

“The only thing I know is that I know nothing.” Socrates

There’s no way to predict when or where the next glitch might hit and we may have zero control over it.

All we can do is to teach ourselves to react better when it does, to apply the tools and assist the process.

Using a battery of meditation techniques, we train our mind so that it can withstand whatever comes up.

Seating in meditation we practice being patient with our discomfort, we grow more resilient and brave.

Because nothing is fixed

There might still be instances when paranoia takes over our right mind and we revert to our old tactics.  

But it does not mean that we are helpless, it only shows our mind needs more training that’s all.

Once you’ve noticed you got on the wrong ride, just decide to step down, you can make that choice.

Since we’re navigating a sea of question marks most of our lives, we should be proud for making it so far

Nathalie Bizawi Meditation Instructor - Blog Uncertainty

Nathalie Bizawi, founder of Wisdom & Mindfulness meditation center. Senior Meditation, Mindfulness and philosophy instructor, From Wingate Academic College. M.A in Education from TAU University, Tel Aviv.


Wisdom & Mindfulness your meditation center in Tel Aviv